Daftar Singkatan di Kaskus - Part 1
Kalo ngebaca di Kaskus sering puyeng karena gak tau artinya. Gak tau artinya bukan karena bego gak bisa ngeja tapi karena gak kepanjangan dari kesingkatan itu. Nah lho...Untuk itu ada kumpulan singkatan yang sering nongkrong di Kaskus.
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
CMIIW = Correct Me If Im Wrong
AFK = Away From Keyboard
OOT = Out Of Topic
PM = Private Message
ysi = yousendit
ppl = people
imo = in my opinion
imho = in my humble opinion
afaik = as far as i know
fyi = for your information
JAV = Japan Adult Video
BDSM = Bangsat Deh Semua Manusia
fetish = tuman
bondage = iket²
IGO = Indo Girls Only
GFG = Got Fo Go
MTA =mau tau aza
kimpoi = olahraga ranjang
stfu = shut the fuck up
haxxor = hack
l33t = leet = elite
omfg = oh my fucking god
lol = Laugh out loud
AKTB = Akses Kaskus Tanpa Banner
OOT = Out of Topic
GRP = Good Reputation Point
BRP = Bad Reputation Point
WTS = Want to Sell
WTB = Want to Buy
BTT= back to topic
IMHO = in my humble opinion
OANC = outdoor adventure & nature club
FC = fight club
momod = moderator
admin/mimin = administrator
PM = private message
YM = yahoo messenger
FR2 = forum roda dua
FG = Forum Games
ROTK = Romance Of Three Kingdoms
CS = Counter Strike
POP = Prince Of Persia
WoW = World of Warcraft
FM = Forum Music
ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing
asl = age sex location
pls = please
KMA = kiss my ass
RTFM = read the fuckin manual
ASAP : As Soon As Possible
WTF = what the fuck
CCPB = cara curang program bajakan
RSVP = Respondez S`il Vous Plait` .... artinya: Please respond.
DC = Disconnect
TS = thread starter (ditujukan utk pembuat thread)
ASAIC = as soon as I can
RO = Ragnarok online
HYIP = High Yield Investment Programme
PTS = Paid To Surf
PTC = Paid To Click
PTR = Paid To Read
BRB: Be Right Back
GTG: Got to go
TGTBT: Too Good To Be True
PTSU = Paid To Sign Up
PPP :Private Investment Program
ACK : Aku Cinta Kamu
ASAP : As Soon As Possible
BBL : Be Back Later
BGS : Bagus
BGT : Banget
BLS : Bales
BMV : Be My Valentine
BMW : Be My Wife
BRB : Be Right Back
BT : Bosen Total
BTW : By The Way
B4 : Before
CE : Cewek
CO : Cowok
CU : See You
CKCKCK : Ck...ck...ck...(kagum / mengejek)
DOUTH : Do You Think?
EGP : Emang Gua Pikirin
FYI : For Your Information
F2F : Face To Face
GUMLAD : Gua Mau Loe Ada (kehadiran)
GBU : God Bless You
GR8 : Great
ILVU : I Love You
IMSU : I Miss You
JJ : Jalan-Jalan
JK : Just Kidding
JAP : Jadikanlah Aku Pacarmu
JAIM : Jaga Image
KGN : Kangen
LOL : Laughing Out Loud
MLJ : Muka Loe Jauh
MM : Memang
NGLB : Ngelaba
PLS : Please
PSSBL : Possible
PV : Privat
SAY : Sayang
SLMTJLN : Selamat Jalan
SJK : Sampai Jumpa Kembali
SKSD : Sok Kenal Sok Dekat
THX : Thanks
TTDJ : Hati-hati Di Jalan
TRIMS : Terima Kasih
UKL : Umur-Kelamin-Lokasi
GB = Gunbound
CS = Counter Strike
AMH = Anime Manga & Hentai
MKRC = Model Kit & Remote Control
loli = lolicon = lolita complex
C'w : cewek gw
C'u : cee U
Mod's : modifikasi game/nambahin patch ato apaan lagi deh
Narsis = ingin dipuji/ ke pede an CMIIW
No offense = bukan maksud menyinggung
Morron = dudulz
DC = Damage Cost (BB17)
December 7, 2007 at 9:54 AM
Sekalian dunks, postingkan smiley-smiley yang ada di kaskua...
December 10, 2009 at 5:10 AM
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February 21, 2010 at 3:28 AM
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Now here's a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX five hundred running shoe, and, since it originally is from the '80s, the gaming inspired design and coloring is an easy choice ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packaged with a combination bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a software game primarily based on ... The shoe itself.
GameCulture writes that the game stars a character named'DJ Zed' who, according to Adidas, has five minutes to'run, moon-walk, climb walls, avoid some dodgy-looking bullies, collect power-ups, and pull off insane rooftop-to-rooftop stunts' in order to get on-stage before his set starts. It looks fittingly retro -- see for yourself in the video we've included after the breakdance.
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